Sunday, June 1, 2008

so this is whats new...

we live in jackson wy again.
steve is kid shiline in "cat balleou".
kaleb just had a mad ear infection and has these really crazy welt dry spots on his back.
kat is bored as hell right now until it stops raining and can start trying to run again.
kaleb loves steves work at the play house, he claps and thrusts his hips and shakes his little baby ass to ALL music good or bad.
but now that we have watched so many rehearsals kaleb claps at the end of songs in the car and in church today he started clapping at the end of some ladies testimony.
steve and i were dyiny laughing.
soooooo thats it for now.


Tamara Cobb said...

So when did you move to WY? I thought you guys were going to be in AZ for another year...How far of a drive is it from here to WY? I want to come and visit!!

Brittany said...

The clapping thing is hilarious! I'd totally LOL if he clapped after a testimony in church! Hope you enjoy WY! How long will you be there?