Saturday, September 20, 2008

B4 and afters. pregnant w kaleb&post pregnacy.

this is like a mth, not even, before i delivered. nice how my husband can't even put his arms around me!! and steve has gorilla length arms. you can't even see ME in these pics. these are literally the only 2 pics i have of me pregnant. i can hardly look at these w out crying. IM NOT a cute pregnant girl w just a "bump in the front". i get pretty much killer whale all around. and dont anyone dare say its ok cuz im pregnant, or that i look cute, because, as we can all see, that is a lie.
these pics are a little over a year later. you can actually see ME in them.

look @ the difference in my face and NECK!!


BrookeLynn said...

And Yet we do it over and over and over again. WHY?

Cindi said...

Because they're so cute. :) And they give us slobbery, sticky kisses and spit up on us.

Brittney said...

if you can hold on to the top and bottom, it's a bump.
I still hadn't lost the weight from Boston when i got preggers with Elsie, so you already got me beat. You look amazing in those afer shots. I never even took an after shot.

Jules P Hansen said...

Kat you always look sexy... Hope all is well

Unknown said...

"Outrageous!" I'll be a "slave for you!"

Unknown said...

Umm, that was me, Brandie, that posted that for you Kat. Although, I am sure Joshua said something like that in the dark room.

Jennifer said...

Yes, you are TOO a cute pregnant girl!! I love it. Now me, on the other hand...

Rachel Ure said...

your hair rocks!!! I sooooo want your blonde short sexy doo! you are a babe! I am steve's friend from "jackson days long past." So excite to hear that you guys are moving to California! You will love it and it will love you ( and your hair skills). We are actually in st. louis but moving to texas in a few months. I guess not everyone can live in california... glad that steve popped in to say hi on our blog. Derid and I basically think he is the funniest person EVER! From reading a few of your posts, sounds like you are a great match for him.