Tuesday, July 8, 2008

dieting, you BITCH!

kaleb is now 22 mths old.
i have lost 60 lbs since i have had him.
i thought i was working hard at this weight thing, cuz you know i have worked at it my whole freaking life.
well, i sweat my a- off, i've cried during workouts because of course im always stuck running next to the skinniest girl, who is barely strolling on her treadmill, i have sworn at the top of my lungs, called myself names to motivate...... myself,i went on an all canned tuna and chicken diet ( i shed like 15 lbs on that, i can barely look at canned anything anymore though) and finally bought a scale.
ahhhhh yes the scale, i pretty much weigh myself 5 times a day, and have to weigh a certain number when i wake up in the morning, ( yes i know thats a problem, i know i know.) and i just cant seem to drop another 20 lbs. thats all i want is another 20 lbs. i want to be pre- baby weight or within 6 lbs of it.
im not a yo-yo dieter i am pretty damn consistent w my daily intake.
i dont eat candy, any type of junkfood really, chips, soda, fast food, i've quite pizza recently, i never eat dessert, the list of crap that i don't eat goes on and on.
needless to say i struggle and i watch what i eat and i work out 6 days a week sometimes twice a day and blah blah blah.
STEVE comes home the other nite, steps on the scale, or the " self esteem maker", turns to me and says, " wow, i've lost 20 lbs since i've been in jackson".
let me just break down for you a list of things that he eats on a regular if not daily effing basis.

-at least 3 cokes a day, and not american coke its that coke from mexico w pure sugar cane in it.
-at least 4 pb&j sandwiches a NITE. 4!!!!!! i eat 1 maybe every 6 mths cuz peanut butter comes straight from satans teet! i never eat peanut butter!
-holy cow he LOVES cheetos, and not the baked or the natural ones, im talking cheeto cheetos, heartattack inducing cheetos.
-the other nite i made fish sticks and these organic potato wedges. steve ate probably 16 fish sticks some wedges, macaroni salad, CHEETOS, a piece of cheesecake, and 3 sodas, and 3 hours later he had a freakin t bone steak!! i had a pickle 3 hours later cuz i was still full!
-actually im going to call him rite now and see what he ate as of today........................................................a turkey sandwich, water, 1 soda, chips, king size kittkat, and he says thats all, but i bet he is forgetting like a sloppy joe w extra slop and fries, with a side of a whole honey baked ham.
this is NOT an exageration.

i don't understand. now that im pregnant im even more discouraged and depressed about his 20 lbs weightloss (in less than 2 mths.) i actually cried myself hysterically asleep that nite. he just stared and kept saying "your beautiful whats wrong your so pretty and perfect". no steve "perfect" would be me as a size 8. just an 8 im not shooting for the moon here just the stars. he has never even seen me at my thinnest! how horrible is that? i hate being a chic sometimes. my ass is spreading just sitting here writing this. i hate boys.


goldfixe said...

First of all, sorry about the whole weight loss thing. I think diets are gay and were invented by someone very evil.

Secondly, you are awesome and hilarious. Why were our families not better friends when you were in the ward. Oh well, too late now. Besides we're moving anyways.

Hope you're enjoying your new/old home!

Jennifer said...

Straight from Satan's teet. That's the best thing I've heard all day.

BrookeLynn said...

That sucks, damn men. Im sorry your discourage. Love you.

Julie P. said...


Brittney said...

Kat, will you call me PLEASE! I called on sunday from your brother's phone but I'm not sure that I actually left a message. He has my number. I'm DYING to talk to you.

The Josh's said...

"Damn the Man!"

Friendofflash said...

Um...wow I felt so much better after reading your passionate speech. I too motivate myself with the "You ate the whole freaking cake you FAT-A" on my weight watchers tracker. I lament over all the damn food I have given up, and the ones I know I need to avoid but haven't been. And I am screaming in my body and soul about having to diet/eat to lose weight. It sucks bad. I am going to get a big fat cookie right now. Screw my diet this week and hello 3 more pounds to lose.

katelines photography. said...

your back- and fabulous and you know it.

Unknown said...

Kat! This is Teresa(Law). I found you on Britney's blog. You look great girl...but I know exactly what you mean! I just had baby #3, and can't loose my last 20 lbs. My husband does the same thing, eats like a pig and has like 10% body fat?? It sucks. Email me:teresawinn@hotmail.com, and I'll get you an invite to our blog if you want.

nadia shea said...

"Wanna go to taco Bell?'

"I'm on an all carb diet, gosh karen you're so stupid!"

"Is butter a carb?"


"Screw it I'm getting cheese fries"